Sunday 6 November 2011

At first we thought that we had got away with it, the weather that is. We left early in bright sunshine, which  lasted most of the way up the M6. As soon as we reach the sign for The Lake District, all that changed, I am not complaining as it does not matter that much, its just that we would like to put the awning up in the dry. Even with waterproofs on I got soaked, every where was squelchy mud.

Still undefeated. The awning was raised and we  celebrated in the dry with a “cuppa”.

Time for a walk, a short excursion into Keswick, convieniently placed just outside of the Campsite. The High Street was busy with the "Farmers Market", packing away for the day “ back next Thursday” I was informed by a butcher. He does make exceedingly good sausages, not sure about his cakes though.

So it’s left upto “Booths” to entertain us then. That’s if you call looking at packets of biscuits, bread, tins of everything entertaining. The deli counter was fun though. Lots of wet people dripping over something.

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