
Saved the best for the last day, best weather, sunny and warm, all day and the best walk, around the Lake.

Breakfast over, bags packed, boots laced, zip up the coats, on with the hats and away we go. Anti clock wise to save the best views for the return journey, which is spoilt by the proximity of the road.

Portinscale first and after a short walk alongside the road Nichol End, (didn’t stop for tea and scone) it is a bit early. The route through the trees is glorious with the Autumnal colours. Left at Hawes End ( straight on if you are going up
Cat Bells) and follow the path to the side of the Lake.

We stop by the jetty for a cup of coffee, before walking on to Abbotts Bay and a last look for Red Squirrels in Low Manesty Woods, we see 3, but from a distance today.

 The path picks up again just before the new plastic duck boarding, which now crosses the bog. We find a spot just on a promontory with a view up the Lake to Keswick for Lunch. The whole range of Skidaw in all its glory can clearly be seen, bathed in sunlight as apposed to being shielded by cloud, its usual dress code.

From Lodore Hotel its a walk along the road for a short while and then into the  woods by the side of the road ( a new construction, which helps allot). We can soon switch back to the side of the Lake and regain the stunning views. This
scenario now continues back to Broom Hill Point, our usual stop on this side of Derwent Water, but not today, the weather has brought out the crowds and they soon find the delightful spot

Its not long before we reach Friar’s Crag, similarly occupied before we are then rounding the corner for home.