
I didn’t think that this would go well today.We survived the storm force gales last night, after rushing around like a mad thing with cords and metal pegs. Happily though I lashed down the awning so no damage occured.

Since it was still dull and windy for a bike ride, we walked into Keswick after breakfast to shop  for tonights dinner. After we had walked a mile of the railway track, convinced it would be ok to ride, we walked back with the shopping, got changed then headed off on the bikes.

So far so good...............

The cycle track follows the track bed of the railway for 4 miles to Threkeld. The going is slightly rough with some inclines. 2 miles dodging puddles  created by last nights rain. Lesley thought she could hear a noise coming from her bike.  I stopped to help, nothing.
 We started to set off again when all of a sudden
Our instinct was to duck, thinking that it was gun fire. 
How surprised am I, when I check my back tyre, the inner tube had blown and burst the tyre, hence the “Bang !”. 

We walked backed along the cycle path back to the campsite. On reaching Greta Park we decided to stop for some refreshment, which we had bought along for later.

After lunch we made our way back to the highstreet. Several bike shops on route did not stock 20” tyres, that is until we reached the last one “ Whinlatter Bikes” just to give him a plug. The tyres he sold us made such a difference to the bikes performance that Lesley too will have her bike tyres changed, just to be on the safe side.